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  • BBA Webinar: Forging a Path in the Law - Top Women Attorneys Share Their Strategies for Success

BBA Webinar: Forging a Path in the Law - Top Women Attorneys Share Their Strategies for Success

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2022
  • 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM
  • Webinar

BBA Webinar: Forging a Path in the Law - Top Women Attorneys Share Their Strategies for Success

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM


The BBA presents live webinars and virtual events via Zoom. Please register for this program through your BBA account at least two hours before the start time of the program to receive the Zoom webinar link.

During Women’s History month, please attend a fascinating panel of highly accomplished current and former prosecutors and government leaders discuss how they navigated and successfully overcame common stereotypes that unfortunately still exist and impede women in the legal profession.  These women will provide tips and strategies that can be used in the courtroom as well in the boardroom to succeed.         

Registration Categories:

BBA Member – Free. Included as part of your membership.

Non-Member - $100.00

BBA Webinars & Virtual Events are supported by the Joan B. DiCola Fund. To learn more or support this fund, click here. click here.

Sponsoring Section/Committee(s):


Before you can register to attend this event, you must log into the Boston Bar web site. Once you are logged in, you will return to this page and will be able to register for the event.

The Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts (AALAM) is a non-partisan, 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.

Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts
c/o The Boston Bar Association
16 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108-3774
E-mail: aalam.info@gmail.com

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